
Monday, August 2, 2010

About Time!!!!

How can It be August already???? I can't believe I haven't posted anything since then!!! Not that there's that much to say, but all the same I can't believe it. Not too great a many thing has happened. Well, that's a lie. I went to California, and it was the first time I've been since i was five years old and i was supposed to be a flower girl in my mom's cousin Wendy's wedding. That was fourteen years ago, for those of you who aren't so hot at on the fly math (not that any of you suck at math. I just felt like being redundant.) But yeah. California was awesome and I am so glad i got to go!!!! I'm possibly even more excited and happy about the fact that time is passing, a ticket has been purchased, I've given Old Navy notice, and it's officially only 24 more days until I'm safely back in Provolone. I'm so darn excited i could almost spit. Or scream for joy. Or run until my legs give out (which is, granted, not a veery long time. But you get the point.)

In other exciting news, i think I've figured out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. At least for the next three (or maybe four) years. I'm going to major in English. I'm going to pursue a second major in French. And then I'm going to get my minor in Management, like from the business school. Management. I made this decision last night, around 11:40 in the p.m. But i feel like it's a good one. I mean, I've got some math-y skills that would otherwise go un-used. Furthermore, it would make my English degree much more marketable. I'm pretty committed to it actually. If i get too stressed out, i will probably drop the french degree. It'll be good. I'm sure of it. It just might take a little more work than i am used to. But thats okay. Education is important, and i think it would be wise to push my self right up to my breaking point. Of course, i haven't actually had to do that yet. But I think i can handle it. Fall is gonna be so awesome!!!

Okay so I'm watching the bachelorette right now and there was just a commercial for a movie called Going the Distance with Drew Barrymore and Justin Long. And I'm getting all excited for it and then bam ... Rated r. Crapola. Guess I'll be watching that one on our clear play player when it comes out in a million and a half months. Ugh. So annoyed. But at least I'm about to find out the results for the show that I've been watching for months. In like, not even very long at all. Woohoo!!!!

I don't have the energy to keep typing on this stupid iPad. Don't get me wrong. It's awesome. But it's a pain in the butt to type full out blog posts on. Yikesah!! Toodle-oooo :)

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