
Monday, January 11, 2010

Names, Love Life Games, Privacy, and Books

On MLIA, someone pointed out that they realized that a family with four children in girl, boy, boy OR girl, boy could name their children in this order, from eldest to youngest: Anna, Ken, Sky(e), Walker. I think that would be kind of ridiculously cool, albeit a little weird.

I was recently thinking about the names I would choose for future children, and here's a problem I have: I think of TONS of girls names, but hardly any boys names. For girls, I am absolutely certain that I want to name my first Mirah. It's the name of one of the most admirable characters in literature—a Jewish girl from the novel Daniel Deronda. I also like the names Darcy, Athena, Olivia, Sophie, Abaigael (Hebrew style ... because Hebrew and Jews are cool), and Evie/Evelynn.

As for boys, I'm really into the classic boy names, like David and Henry, and then I like family names like Dee (though I'd definitely consider that for a girl). But look at how many boy names I like compared to how many girl names I like. Not that it's so much of an issue (Hey Natalie, remember that IHOP text? Hahahaha)... but I still like thinking about it.

Now it's time to vaguely mention the name of one person that, no matter what I do or where I go, that person's name (or part of their name) seems to magically appear. That's annoying. I'm also going to vaguely mention a person whose name reminds me of the stuff that generally ends up in tissues when you blow your nose, unless you're horribly unfortunate and sneeze when trying to blow your nose and absentmindedly lose control of your tissue and don't sneeze directly into it. Just gonna throw that out there into the vastness of the internet so I feel like it's not bouncing around in my head and begging me to say it in public when it's totally not appropriate.

Okay ... on to love life games. Although I love MASH, and it's great, and most recently it put me in a mansion doing the job I would love to do more than anything and driving Baby Blue... I have to say that certain other aspects paled ridiculously in comparison to the very fun face-card love life interpretation that my roommate did for me. It was awesome, in so many more ways than anyone but us can even appreciate. Goodness, the coincidences.... I feel like my life funnels a constant stream of strange coincidences into my lap, almost tempting me to take them seriously. Alas, it is sometimes hard not to. But here's the straight facts kids: stupid coincidences are stupid coincidences. There are, of course, other "coincidences" that are so much more than mere coincidences, but the ones I'm talking about are totally insignificant in the grand scheme of things. And yet totally amusing. Ultimately, I'm glad they're in my life.

Now onto my next topic: privacy. Here's another straight fact. I judge girls who don't make their profiles 100% private. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that they don't make them private because it gives me something to do when I'm horribly bored (not that I mean to stalk people, I just like to look at pretty pictures, especially people in formal dresses, and it's not remotely creepin'. It merely happens to be way easier than Googling fancy dresses). Anyways, girls who don't bother to make all of their pictures private are girls who are hoping that one of their friends will have a cute friend who will look at their pictures and be like, "Whoa that girl's cute, I want to be her friend." Are there any other reasons not to be 100% private on Facebook? NO. And that is why I judge them unscrupulously.

Finally, books. Tonight, I will be reading Twilight. Yes, I have already read the entire series. Yes, I have read Twilight itself more than once. No, this is not a pleasure read (though it's way more fun than your intense textbooks suckahs!!!). The fact is, Twilight is my textbook. I'm sure if, somehow, you're reading this, you already know this fact about me. But it still makes me feel like I'm getting off easy, and I feel less like I'm bragging about it when it's to the open cyberspace than I do when it's to people. So, cyberspace, BRAG BRAG BRAGGITY BRAG.

So yeah ... that's about it. It's after midnight again and I've got some reading [ ;) ] to do. Haha.

Kaylanator, of the GSA-ators.

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