
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hola Sunday!

So technically it's Sunday now ... but I guess I don't count Sundays normally. On Sunday nights, I count midnight as the end of the day. On Saturday nights, it's more like Sunday starts when I wake up the next morning. It's after midnight, but as far as I'm concerned, it's still Saturday night. Am I disobeying the letter of the law? Or, rather, failing to interpret Sunday according to the letter of the law? Yeah, kind of. Am I failing to interpret Sunday according to the spirit of the law? Yeah, probably that too. Whatever.

Alright. Anyone out there who was informed of the awkward dream I had involving that one person where he and I were watching CNN whilst clothed merely in t-shirts and, in my case, panties, and, in his case, tighty-whities? Well, if not, there's the jist of it. Anyways, I had a dream about him AGAIN. And I was like, what that's weird. We went to Shakespeare's Pizza. I guess it wasn't too weird. I mean, at least we were both clothed normally. And I'm pretty sure that somewhere in that dream I was also involved with Cory Monteith. ...

Apparently my subconscious is really into show-y choirs. Regardless, it was really random because I only rarely think about either of those people anymore. More about Cory Monteith, since he's on TV and all. ... Weird. Just weird. And other weird coincidences, which I will explain to anyone willing to listen to me blabber.

And now  I will import my most recent Facebook status, just to make this complaint session a little quicker:
getting a cold in MAY (wtheck??) + phone on the verge of death + ON scheduling you on Sunday AGAIN (even though you did not include Sunday on your availability sheet) = weekend - happiness - relaxation ... but + hearing Hugh Jackman say your name in Wolverine ;)
Ahhh yes.  Okay. Here we go ... now it goes to bullet points.

  • I have a cold. It's May. I didn't know that it was possible to get a cold in May. And yes, it sucks. It sucks hard core. I could go into all the multifarious symptoms that have been plaguing me all day, but I will spare you. 
  • My phone developed narcolepsy today. Literally, it can't retain consciousness. Can I fully explain to you how much I do not want to buy another phone, even a refurbished one, for $130?? I'm going to have to go with NO. No, I can't. At least not using the internet. I'd have to make a video and scream and shout and throw things. I want to break things and cry and be pissed off at it for being such a piece of crap. Ugh. Makes me so mad. And it's giving me a headache. Oh wait, that's my sinus headache... but it's probably being amplified by my phone annoyances. 
  • Once again, Old Navy scheduled me on Sunday. Now, I let it slide last week because we had a guest manager who made the schedule and he didn't look at anyone's availability. But this week I don't see how there's any excuse. I'm really cheesed. I have to miss third hour because I've got to have enough time to make the huge-o drive from the student ward and get changed before going to work. I've got to work up some nerve and stand up to these people ... They're getting to be freakin' annoying, honestly. 
  • So basically my weekend has sucked. And tomorrow will probably suck because I've got to get up an hour earlier than I usually do so I can drive all the way to the student ward and then I have to leave there early to get to work on time and not leave right in the middle of somebody's lesson, and then I have to go to work (which I'm really starting to hate, by the way. Seriously ... it's not a fun place. People are always yelling at you and telling you to do things which are counterintuitive to your nature) and I have to be there until 7 p.m. and then I'll come home and want to curl up in a ball and die because I have to work 8 hours on Monday. The temptation to use strong expletives is great right now.  Just so you know, I'm really fired up about this. I mean gosh dangit Monday is Memorial Day and I'm going to be stuck there for 8 hours. EIGHT FREAKING HOURS. I'm probably going to miss the freaking ward picnic. Oddly enough, I'm so exhausted and frustrated and upset right now I could practically cry about that stupid picnic. WHY AM I SUCH AN EMOTIONAL WRECK?? I'm on hormone replacement therapy for three major hormones, so none of them can provide an explanation for this. Now that I think about that, I'm just glad those are stable because if they weren't, I'd probably already be crying and I'd do something to make it really dramatic and ultra-depressing. Maybe. It's hard to tell. 
  • Anyways, the only real good thing about my day (besides a certain Fbook message which I will discuss with my dearest lovely meilleures amies at a later date) was that Wolverine's girlfriend was named Kayla. Also, she had awesome powers. But now I have a mental recording of Hugh Jackman saying my name... swoon. He's a hottie. But the Wolverine movie was such a waste of talent. Good heavens. ...
      • I mean really. You kill off Dominic Monaghan and give Ryan Reynolds a miniscule (albeit ridiculously awesome and attractive) part?? Those were two huge mistakes, that's for sure. And apparently Ryan Reynolds' character becomes Weapon XI or something, except that part (the Weapon XI part) got played by a different actor. Regardless, two of my favorite people's characters are dead. 
  • Why would I want to watch X-Men after that?? (Yes, I've seen it. Maybe not no.2 ... but certainly only once, and I didn't bother to remember it very well.) Granted, Hugh Jackman is very attractive. Very, very, very attractive ... but I wouldn't watch an entire totally action movie based on his facial-hair-y, man-tank-top-y, feral presence. If I'm going to sit through 50 fights, I want to get my time's worth of good looking men. Is that too much to ask?  Whatever. It was amusing. Not enough to make up for my ultimately crappy day, but at least it was something that didn't completely suck.

Well, that's about it. It's approaching 1:30, so even though I had a ton more on my mind, I'm too exhausted to write it. And beyond that I'm painfully ill. Maybe it will be a blessing and will get me out of work early tomorrow or something. Please. For the love of Pete. I don't want to gooooooooooo ............. (<--read that in your best "Dramatic Reading of a Real Break-up Letter" voice)

Good night. Or, rather, good morning. Happy Saturday Night ... er... Sunday. Whatever. Your call. 

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