
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesdays, and Another Commitment

I think we can all agree that the week would be better if we could skip Wednesdays. They're just awful. It's the day that your exhaustion with the week becomes unbearable, but it's still too far from the weekend for you to be able to rejoice.

Yep. That’s exactly how it feels. My Wednesdays are particularly awful because they are basically Mondays (woof) without the joy of Fridays (Yay!), with the addition of two once-a-week classes, one of which is a 2.5 hour evening class, which means I’m on campus from 10-1 and then again from 3-7:30 (but sometimes as early as 7, though I wasn’t so lucky today). On Mondays and Fridays, it’s usually 10-11, and 3-4. you can see that there is a big difference there. Plus the fact that I leave for class before 3 means I don’t really have a good time for dinner, unless I eat on campus. Let me just stop that little brain fart right there—that is never going to happen. At least, not often. (Oh, that I were a freshman, and could have the wish of my heart: to again carry the magic money card!)
As if that weren’t bad enough, today was made worse by the impending ID Midterm in my Music 202 class, which meant that I was spending every spare moment drilling Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, Handel, and Mozart in my head. Not fun. Because afterwards, all you have in your head is a bajillion little violins and sopranos singing “And suddenly! There were with the angel! A multitude of the heavenly host! Praising God! And singing! …“ and then it goes into the “Glory to God” section of the Messiah, blah blah blah you get my point. It’s all fine and dandy here and there, but the constant pounding is really doing wonders for the state of my head right now. And, to make things worse, there were about 4 questions on the test that I just guessed on, or was stupid enough to think I could go back to later (couldn’t – it was a timed, PPT test with only 2 questions per slide, and those two questions being composer and title (or genre) of the work.) Then there’s the weather, and the fact that the past few days of sunny sunshine and happiness are about to be obliterated with winds, cool temperatures, and the very stuff of nightmares—snow. Oh, and I’m sick. And I have to go to French tomorrow. And I had to listen to another lecture about stinking North Korea, because, as he is popularly known, the Larry Miller of BYU campus is a whore who is prostituting the Kennedy Center Lecture Series by focusing on as many Asian topics as possible to help his little minions/slaves/b’s. (Not to be disrespectful of the Real Larry Miller, of course.) I think you’ve got the idea – Wednesday has been a Wednesday, and a particularly bad one.
I can’t wait for next semester when I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30-6:30. That is SO heinously bearable I can’t stand it. Four day weekends always? I’m all over that.
Now on to my second topic. I had almost forgot about it, but then I looked at my title again. Hah. Well here’s the thing: I stalked somebody again. Blog stalked them indirectly, actually. And, once again, I find myself needing to commit to not stalking people anymore. I can’t do it. There’s too much creepy there. Creepy what I’m doing, creepy what I’m finding, and makes everyone involved, stalker AND stalkee, seem like more of a creeper than any of us actually are. Today, I take a solemn vow: no more stalking. I’m super done with it. Super, super, super done.

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