
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Lost Chicken

DISCLAIMER: I know this is gonna look like I really care, but I don't. I mean, a little bit, but not enough to make a real issue out of it.

So I haven't eaten very much meat lately. I can't really explain how I've been getting away with this. Dinner group, of course, has played a part, but I don't really know how else I've managed to do this. I can't even think of what I've been eating the past few days. All I know is that I haven't touched my chicken (the only meat I have) since before Josh's birthday. I am absolutely, 100% certain of this.

You can imagine my surprise then, when I came home after a very long day and, having decided to make chicken alfredo pasta, found that I didn't actually have any chicken.

Now, I know I had some before Josh's birthday, because last time I used it (whenever that was) I hadn't used my last piece. I hadn't even used my second to last piece. I'm pretty sure I had like four pieces of chicken left, actually. Maybe three. Idk. But when I got in the freezer to get my chicken so I could cook it up for my pasta, my chicken was gone. The entire bag had disappeared.

Let's just get something straight: I don't mind people using my food. Within reason, of course. I mean, I'm not going to let someone starve when I have food, but it's just not fair to expect other people to provide food you, and I'm not the kind of person that's super okay with getting mooched off like that.

Where I'm having a problem (and it's really not a problem. Not this time anyways. Mostly just funny.) is with the fact that somebody used up the last of my chicken and didn't even tell me. I mean, seriously? What, are they like so ashamed that they used the last of my chicken that they couldn't even inform me?

And like I said, it's not a big deal. At this point I just think it's kinda funny.

Yeah. Let's just leave it at that.

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