
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to Know If You Like Someone, part 1

So I've come to the conclusion that there are a few things in life that are unnecessarily difficult, one of them being trying to figure out if you really do like someone, especially in the middle college years of life, when it's actually important to evaluate your interest. There are a lot of things that can go wrong in the dating game. Some people just have raging hormones. Some people are desperately seeking eternal companionship. Some people are creepy. Some people are ... unfortunate looking. Some people are too shy for their own good. Some people are too outgoing and crazy for their own good. Some people are insatiable and skip from person to person. Some people are just plain lonely. Some people just can't make decisions.

It is the people who can't make decisions that I am most worried about. Mostly because I consider myself to be (at least to some extent) one of them. It can be so difficult, not knowing if you even want to go on that next date, not knowing if you're really interested in the person or just doing it for one of the reasons above, and worrying if you like someone enough to put in the effort required to make things happen. I've suffered all of these things, and more. And so it is with these poor folks (and myself, selfishly enough) in mind that I have devised a few fool-proof indicators of interest.

1. The Facebook Stalking Test, a.k.a. How Shallow Are You? just kidding ... not.
Let's face it: Facebook Stalking (hereafter known as "FaceStalking") has become a definite part of the dating experience. It has, in some ways, revolutionized the dating game--it has delivered sight to many blind daters, and lets you get a feel of people before you can even experience them for yourself. Whether this is good or bad is pretty irrelevant at this point. The fact is that there's a lot you can tell about yourself from looking at the Subject's photos.

Most people have a TON of photos, which makes things better and worse at the same time. On the one hand, you get to see a lot about what the Subject likes to do, what kind of people they hang out with, whether or not they're pimp-daddies (or pimp-mamas ... but that's just uncomfortable).

On the other hand, there's a lot of potential for awkward photos to show up. You know exactly the ones I'm talking about. The ones where the Subject made a weird face or wasn't ready for the camera. The ones where the Subject wore a weird outfit as a joke but you don't really understand the context, and so you're just uncomfortable. The ones where some cruel former classmate found a box of photographs from high school and decided to scan them all in and tag every person. We've all seen them. What's worse, we've all got them. And why? Because if you untag yourself in every awkward photo, people know you're self-conscious or vain or something. Anyways, the point is: What is your reaction to awkward photos of the Subject?

If awkward photos make you uncomfortable and slightly repulsed, pack your suitcase and move on. If there's anything about their appearance in the photos (and yes, that's in the plural because generally it's better to observe more than one awkward photo for scientific accuracy) that turns that little unattractiveness screw in your stomach and makes you regret (even a little bit) that you ever were attracted to the wretch on the screen, really--you don't truly like the person, and it's okay to let go.

HOWEVER, if you find the awkward photos endearing, adorable, funny, cute, precious, silly, and maybe even a little bit strangely attractive ... there's a very good chance that you actually do like this person! Congratulations! Now, that's not to say that they won't do something repugnant in the future. Things could fall apart at any moment. They could do something utterly unattractive and you could land on your tush, crush-less without the slightest prior indication. It happens. But for now, raise your glass: This could be love!

2. The Kiss Q, or, How Hormonally-Charged Is This Relationship?
Some time ago, I was riding in the car up to Sandy with my aunt. I was chronicling my recent dating history to her, and telling her about this guy I'd gone on a number of dates with. He was cool, nice, gentlemanly, talented, smart, and a whole host of other great things ... but there was a problem. I couldn't tell whether or not I actually wanted to keep going out with him. Although there was a definite indication that the answer was 'no' (because I thought that, more or less, anything other than 'yes' was 'no', in the words of the darling John Mayer), I still couldn't be sure because there just wasn't any concrete evidence that I didn't, or really any reason why I shouldn't have liked him and wanted to continue dating him. So my aunt asked me a simple question: "Do you want him to kiss your face?" (And, just to clarify, by "face" she meant lips. She just talks like that.)

For me, the answer was, "No. HECK no, I do not want him to kiss my face. That does not appeal to me at all!" And lo, and behold, when we went our separate ways, I was anything but disappointed. In fact, I was happy, relieved, and glad to see him making progress to his eventual EC ... who certainly wasn't me.

So ask yourself, "Do I want [the Subject] to kiss my face?" If the answer is no, step away from the merch. If the answer is yes ... get on your pony and get some.

3. "Je pense, donc je l'aime"
I may be totally ripping off Descartes' statement "I think, therefore I am" right now, but I think this is a totally valid test. For those who do not speak the sophisticated tongue, the name of this indicator is, "I think, therefore I like him/her." This is pretty self-explanatory. When you like someone, it's kind of hard to think of anything else. That's just the way it is.

It's also related to number four ...

4. The Speech Test
No, no, you don't have to give a speech. But it stands to reason that you talk about what you think about. Is the Subject coming up in conversation a lot? Are you forcing yourself to pip out of conversations because you're afraid you're annoying people because you just can't stop saying the Subject's name and bringing them into the conversation? Odds are, if the answer is yes, you've got a case of the likeys.

Odds are also that your roomies and/or close friends are gonna pick up on it too because this is like having a flashing red heart-shaped love light above your head. (Note: Tends to happen a lot when you're trying to pretend like you don't like someone. They WILL come up in conversation, and you WILL have to ask a question about it because, unfortunately, you care about what they're doing too much to let it slip by unnoticed.)


And now, because Natalie wants to go to bed, I'm going to let her. Poor thing looks tired and she has to get up early. Aw. What a cutie. She's like cuddling herself right now. But not in an awkward way ... Hah. GOODNIGHT :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Photos I Couldn't Put on Facebook

Natalie and Hannah and I went to Wyoming last weekend for Kirsten's baptism. It was a great time. And I took a few pictures while we were in the car. They're generally unattractive, but I like them anyways, so since I can't put them on Facebook where gentlemen could potentially see them, I'm sticking them on here. Hooray!

I think there might have been some more, but I took my SD card out of my computer and I don't want to go get my camera. So maybe later. Maybe. Probably not. But maybe.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Jane Austen Book Club

I just finished watching the movie The Jane Austen Book Club. And I loved it. I guess I had pretty low expectations, since I'd heard that it wasn't really all that good. But I really loved it. It was amazing how watching it made me fall more in love with Jane Austen's novels, with literature in general, with French, with the world, with the vast variety of people there are, with love, with libraries, with travel, with staying up late to read a good book ... with so many things. After such a sucky day (you remember, the one that started with the super-depressing cyberbullying suicide video?) it's remarkable how much that movie excited me about life, about what I'm doing with life. Granted, it also made me hope for a time when it'll be just me, alone in my house and holed up with a good book, staying up until who knows how late doing something that just makes me happy. But I suppose at the same time that's not really what I'm supposed to want ... aloneness, endless recreation, not ever having to work, etc. It's glamorous, idealized, and for the number of problems those characters have, it's remarkable that I don't really attend to them. It's wonderful to get caught up in a movie like that, to just depart from reality and, for at least a few moments, enjoy another world.

I don't really know how to feel right now. I know what I feel, but I also feel like I shouldn't be feeling what I feel, that I shouldn't be wanting what I want, that I'm some kind of lousy slug for wanting what I want, that what I want isn't really what I want because I've made it into a whole other creature in my head so I'm wanting something that's completely unattainable, that what I perceive as what I want is really just a glamorized illusion of a means to get what I really want, and that, tragically, I can never have what I want because it doesn't exist, and all of these realities are going to come crashing down on me like a cold bucket of water on my head on a frosty February morning.

Is everything I'm feeling an illusion? Am I stuck in a movie? Am I exaggerating how good I feel right now because this has been a Monday that has fully fulfilled its reputation? Am I experiencing a minor chemical imbalance? Am I crazy? Can I have what I want? Do I want what I want because it's the easy way out since the past few days have been a spiraling misery pit wherein I've started to fear that many of the big things I want from life are going to be snatched from out around me without me being able to control any of it? What is my problem? Am I trying to eat away this ebbing tide of unhappiness that is ever so slightly tainting my life? Am I becoming a bitter cynic whose expectations for life have been inflated to the point that they can never be fulfilled? What do I want in the short-run?

Too many questions. I'm losing the glow of my movie delight, and that's annoying. Time for bed.