
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blurg: the People of Your Dreams

I have decided to call the following a "blurg"—that's short for blurb-blog, a.k.a. this is going to be shorter than a pygmy leprechaun. Here goes...

Has someone you don't know well ever figured prominently in one of your dreams? This doesn't usually happen to me; my dreams are pretty normal (for the most part) and usually involve the people I spend the most time with, which typically means that I know them pretty well before I dream about them.

Well, this week it did happen and I had the most bizarre sensation after I woke up: I felt closer to this person. And not in a way that went away after a few hours. I still feel close to this person, I still feel like I understand them better, I still feel like they're someone I can depend on. It's the weirdest thing, because I don't remember anything about the dream at all, just the fact that they were in it. I'm only slightly worried that this will make me act weird around this person... who wants to be the person that gets known for acting-like-they-know-you-better-than-they-do? (I've only experienced this kind of person a few times, and I think they're weird. I don't want to be one.) But at the same time, it's almost like pretending that you don't know someone that you actually do know, you know? Anyways, this was supposed to be short. I quit.

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